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抽水蓄能電站在國家電網(wǎng)中的地位 英文譯文

時間:2012-10-09 15:58來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
抽水蓄能電站在國家電網(wǎng)中的地位 英文譯文 節(jié)選 20080462_1 The Roleof Pumped Storage Power Plantsin the National Grid Agenda 1.Key Figures of the European Energy Market 2 Key Figures of the Austrian Energy Market 3 Key Figures of VE

抽水蓄能電站在國家電網(wǎng)中的地位 英文譯文 節(jié)選 20080462_1

The Roleof Pumped Storage Power Plantsin the National Grid
1.Key Figures of the European Energy Market
2 Key Figures of the Austrian Energy Market
3 Key Figures of VERBUND / Providing Services
4 Optimal Operation of VERBUND‘s Hydro Power Plants
5 Pumped Storage Power Plants –fields of application
3.Ancilliary Services
VERBUND provides
Balancing energy
Reactive power
Energy and Power in Emergency Situations
Black start capability
Congestion management capabilities (possibility for redispatch)
for the Austrian transmission system operator
3. Balancing Management in the UCTE3.Balancing Management in the UCTE
Every trader (retailer, commercial market participant) need a plan to cover his forecasted demand. At the end of the (day ahead) planning process his generation, trades and consumption must be in balance.
In the synchronous UCTE area the load frequency control balance the fluctuating demand.??The Transmission System Operators (TSO) are in charge of the load frequency control.
There are different components of the load-frequency control
Primary Control
Secondary Control
Tertiary Control
The TSOshave to procure the services for Primary Control, Secondary Control and Tertiary Control from generators (depending on the market system).
3.Primary Control3.Primary Control
Primary control is activated if the frequency deviation exceeds more than ±20mHz.
Primary control immediately restores the balance between generation and load. The system frequency is stabilized at a quasi-steady-state value different from the frequency set point value (50 Hz). (1)
All TSOsin the synchronous area (UCTE area) have to participate in Primary control (principle of solidarity) (2)??The total Primary Control Reserve in the synchronous UCTE area is 3000 MW.(1)Outage(2)Source: UCTE Operation Handbook
3.Secondary Control3.Secondary Control
Secondary Control maintains the-balance between generation and demand (consumption) within a specified area called control area as well as-the system frequency.
Secondary Control makes use of a centralized controller (Automatic Generation Control, AGC). The Secondary Controller is operated automatically, on-line and closed-loop.
Secondary control
balances the power deficit inside a control area
adjusts a frequency offset
makes primary control reserve fully available again
controls the sum of energy exchange of a control area.
In case of a large unbalance Tertiary Control Reserve is required to restore and free up Secondary Control Reserves.
Tertiary Control is activated automatically or manually. Most TSOsactivate Tertiary Control manually.
Operation of Tertiary Control can be bound to the time frame of scheduling. Around 15 min after activation of Tertiary Control Tertiary Control Power restores the Secondary Control RangeOrder:+ 50 MWtime limits10min10minOrder:-50 MW50 MW100 MW≥15min≥15min50 15min

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