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文言文翻譯復習方法 指導(6)(26)

時間:2012-07-04 15:07來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
2(世博北京翻譯公司). -- Are you ready to order? -- Yes, Ill have a Big Mac. -- Anything else? --Ill have a small fries and a large Coke. (比較 I want to buy a big Mac.) 比較 -- Is that for
2(世博北京翻譯公司). -- Are you ready to order? -- Yes, I’ll have a Big Mac. -- Anything else? --I’ll have a small fries and a large Coke. (比較 I want to buy a big Mac.) 比較 -- Is that for here or to go? -- That’ll be for here. -- What would you like to drink? -- I’d like a milk shake. -- What flavor would you like? -- Make it strawberry. 劉毅) 《一口氣英語》 (One Breath English) (劉毅 一口氣英語》 劉毅  
(Chicken leg vs. drumsticks) (pen pal / key pal / cyber pal, internet cafe) 你不是中國人吧?中國人都不會說英語。 你不是中國人吧?中國人都不會說英語。 (You don't increase your age. Your age is being frozen.) What’s up? Nothing Much. How are you doing? Just doing. Thank you. Sure.  
九、 如何學好英語 詞匯量 vocabulary 聊天/青醫(yī)研究生 聊天/ Don't speak like a book!!! Active/passive 2(世博北京翻譯公司)0,000 vs. 2(世博北京翻譯公司),000 English: 900 words Americans: 1000 words Jimo: 2(世博北京翻譯公司)000 words  
Baby: baby face / baby dictionary Don’t be such a baby (a silly thing). The plan for a citywide cleanup is the mayor’s baby. That’s your baby. Poor Tom, he always gets left with the baby. Which of you is the baby of the class? baby book / baby carriage / baby carrier / baby kisser baby farmer (baby wife/husband) ) carry/hold the baby baby a sick husband You baby her too much.(Don't humor her.) Baby a new car …  
五指 toilet seat / flush the toilet / toilet soap / the toilet smells 紅綠燈/雙黃線 紅綠燈/ speed check / safety island / zebra crossing a small / hot / couch / mouse potato  
如何增加詞匯量 (1) 背字典 vs. 翻字典 grandfather clock, afternoon farmer, a Mickey Mouse course, wall flower, a bad sailor… 字典: 字典: 1.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2(世博北京翻譯公司).英漢大詞典 (陸谷孫)上海譯文出版社 . 陸谷孫) 字典上的不一定都是對的。字典:釋義。 字典上的不一定都是對的。字典:釋義。如:啟蒙老師 someone who introduces you into a certain subject  
構詞法: (2(世博北京翻譯公司)) 構詞法: 詞綴: 詞綴: pentium, deodourant septwolves, octopus hemi / semi / demi uni, mono/ bi,di / tri(plets) / quaduple micro/macro; mini/maxi; anti/pro 詞類轉換:is it a he or she? a natural / a regular / find, a must for 其它: 其它: beginner’s luck, baby luck, has-been, might-have-been  
詞性: (3) 詞性:nation, national, nationalize, nationalization, denationalize, denationalization center, central, centralize, centralization, decentralize, decentralization (4) 反義詞:present / absent, west / east, western / 反義詞: eastern, oriental / occidental  
(5) 聯(lián)想意義: 聯(lián)想意義: He / She is a fox. He / She is a professional. (a working woman, career woman, a career-minded woman) 巧記: (6) 巧記: The professor is going to meet his class this evening. lass ass glisten –listen/ perm (she wants a perm)– sperm (7) 逆向記憶: 逆向記憶: lamp/fan( wall, table, floor/stand, ceiling)  
詞義變化: 詞義變化: rubber / eraser, cock / rooster (烏雞白鳳丸 半夜雞叫 金雞獎 烏雞白鳳丸/半夜雞叫 金雞獎) 烏雞白鳳丸 半夜雞叫/金雞獎 strange / queer / different (special), I am in trouble. wife: fishwife, housewife silly: blessed and happy, innocent, simple, simpleminded, foolish 衣冠禽獸,書記,跳槽, 衣冠禽獸,書記,跳槽,疲軟  
記憶單位:短語, 記憶單位:短語,句子 make love to sb. take to come to 上下文: 上下文: No context, no text. Time flies. This is a table. surprise attack on Pearl Harbor I is a student. Some people.  
表層/深層結構: 表層/深層結構: That is a good question. He is full of surprises. Give me a break. A wise guy/ a wise man/ a wise boy  
切忌望文生義: 切忌望文生義: high school girl / woman Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit. lover eat one’s words / go back on one’s words brave new world have butterflies in one’s stomach  
“臟話” 臟話” 臟話 There are no dirty words. There are only dirty minds. -- Jimo fuck (在國外呆了一年不會用) 在國外呆了一年不會用) 銀行職員與美國人用英語對罵半小時,升遷。 銀行職員與美國人用英語對罵半小時,升遷。 日本公司招工Someone who can swear in English. 日本公司招工 買夾克 crossbreed 腰帶 BO 海大夜大女生 bitch ( son of a bitch)  
Don't fuck with me, ok? I am not fucking with you. Fuck me (Speed). What the fuck… She is fucking beautiful. 聽他媽什么講座, 聽他媽什么講座, 游他媽什么行 demonfuckingstration Shit ( shoot). ugly cunt (恐龍) 恐龍)   翻譯公司 (責任編輯:世博翻譯公司)
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