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文言文翻譯復習方法 指導(6)(6)

時間:2012-07-04 15:07來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
第二講:理解與比較 似是而非,似非而是; 譯理定數,游若鬼神。 瞬息之際,乾坤倒轉; 分寸之間,雄兵百萬。 詞似是,意卻非 一、語序之更與語意之
第二講:理解與比較 似是而非,似非而是; 譯理定數,游若鬼神。 瞬息之際,乾坤倒轉; 分寸之間,雄兵百萬。  
詞似是,意卻非 一、語序之更與語意之變 1. Anyhow, he works He works anyhow. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). We may as well take this. We may take this as well. 3. She foolishly spoke. She spoke foolishly. 4. Happily he did not die. He did not die happily.  
二、東西懸隔,語意殊異 1. I could do with more leisure (can do=be satisfied with) 2(世博北京翻譯公司). You must make good any loss. 3. The apples are good and ripe. (good and=very) 4. The smoke betrayed where the dwelling lay.  
5. Curses come home to roost. 6. He was strong in his time (in one’s time=when he was young). 7. He is ignorant to a proverb. 8. He identified himself with the masses. 9. In China, his name was well known, if not a household word.  
10. You are not playing the game. 11. The singer has her head turned. 12(世博北京翻譯公司). Somebody will have to break the ice. 13. One observer believed Kissinger’s genius was an ability to tell nine different stories to nine people, and keep them all straight. 14. Truth lies in the bottom of the decanter. 15. Better not be at all than not be noble.  
第八講:轉換詞類 趣不乘本 Transfer parts of speech without changing meaning of the originial 英譯為漢 理解領先 詞類轉換 隨機應變 方法一般 技巧靈便  
名詞轉換動詞 表達更為堅實 1. Wenli flared up at the sight of her husband walking with Li Tianjiao. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). His use of acupuncture, previously taboo throughout most of European countries, has improved the clinical therapeutic effect of apoplexy treatment. 3. No violation of One-China principle can be tolerated. 4. His insistence on her innocence arouses our attention. 5. Liu Xiang has become the object of admiration for many people overnight.  
動詞轉化名詞 意義更為明晰 1. Feeling pulse features the traditional system of treatment in China. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). I really don’t know what motivates her to join this small party. 3. Common cold is characterized by cough, fever, headache and running nose. 4. What Shanghai man impresses me most is their clearness, industriousness and slickness. 5. This remedy is marked by immediate effect, low cost and mild side effect.  
介詞轉換動詞 體現漢語異質 1. We are surprised at what he has mentioned just now. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). We are for/against taking such an action. 3. Very few people write with a brush now. 4. Most people in China travel by train  
形容詞轉動詞 語意明晰有力 1. We are not sure whether doctors can save his life. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). The old man is content to stay in the country. 3. Mice are quite alerted to danger. 4. He walked out quietly, as he was afraid of disturbing others. 5. We are very grateful to you for your help. 6. He was jealous of his friend’s success.  
形容詞轉副詞 修飾搭配一致 1. Doctors are making comprehensive study of this case. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). Policemen are conducting a careful investigation of this case. 3. It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President’s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue.  
副詞轉換動詞 表達更為有力 1. The negotiation is off. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). The light was still on when he left the classroom. 3. The battle was still on when a great storm occurred. 4. The roses are out. 5. The tide is out.  
名詞轉換形容詞 語意刻畫更細膩 1. Chairman Mao was a great success in his career, but a total failure as a husband. 2(世博北京翻譯公司). It’s of great importance for students majoring in English to learn Chinese well. 3. To our great surprise, USSR disappeared overnight. 4. It is of great significance to invigorate traditional Chinese studies.  
地動山搖玉盤碎 撒向神州皆是淚 A powerful earthquake struck Western China on Monday, toppling thousands of homes, factories and offices, trapping students in schools, and killing at least 10,000 people,destroying 80 percent of structures in some of the towns and small cities near its epicenter. Its tremors were felt as far away as Vietnam and set off another, smaller quake in the outskirts of Beijing, 900 miles away.  
房倒屋塌天地陷 霎時人間地獄變 Landslides and power failures left much of the affected area cut off from the outside world and limited information about the damage.  
廢墟猶憶昨日夢 莘莘學子今何境 The quake was the latest in a series of events that have disrupted China’s planning for the Olympic Games in August, including widespread unrest among the country’s ethnic Tibetan population.   翻譯公司 (責任編輯:世博翻譯公司)
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