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文言文翻譯復習方法 指導(4)(16)

時間:2012-07-04 15:04來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
version in Example 7). In short, a non-word-for-word but flexible translation in the main may reproduce the spirit of the original while a word-for-word translation may otherwise lack the original spi
version in Example 7). In short, a non-word-for-word but flexible translation in the main may reproduce the spirit of the original while a word-for-word translation may otherwise lack the original spirit. (5) As for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, although Professor Zhao often used the method of literal translation, he did not give up that of free translation when and where literal translation in his view fails to reproduce the effect of figures of speech. Generally speaking, literal translation is adopted as the primary method and free translation as the secondary or supplement in this case. In all, based on a good command of both English and Chinese, translators should make a perfect combination of literal translation and free translation, just as Professor Zhao did. 5.2(世博北京翻譯公司) Suggestions on the Use of Translation Strategies Excellent translation should be faithful to the original in ideological content, reflecting the scene and flavor of the original and absorbing the new ways of expression. So is the translation of children’s literature. Apart from the original content, the scene and flavor of the original need to be reflected vividly for the children readers. In order to accomplish the purposes mentioned above, first of all, translators should master the exact meaning and spirit of the original and render it properly in accordance with the characteristics of the two languages concerned. Translators should never set literal translation against free translation and repel it, and vice versa. Meanwhile, translators should be familiar with the children’s language. No matter what method they use to translate, their translation will be popular among children readers if they are smooth and faithful. How to make an excellent translation of children’s literature the same as the source one? It goes without saying that translators should make the translation understandable to Chinese children readers as much as the original to its native  
children readers. Accordingly, they should keep in mind the comprehension abilities of Chinese children at the very start when they choose expressions so that children can understand the whole translation. My investigation suggests four translation strategies are often adopted in translating children’s literature. Firstly, the rendering should be children-oriented as children play a significant role in CL’s translation since they are the aimed addressees. Basically, the rendering should satisfy children’s unique physical and psychological needs. Moreover, translation should be not only faithful to the original but also highly readable with accurate expressions. This calls for translators to have a loving heart for children and perceive what children’s possible response will be in translating process. In short, children-orientation is very important to follow. Secondly, perfect words should be chosen in the target version to fit the source one in order to suit the children’s readers. It would be better to choose informal ones rather than to prefer abstract and formal expressions because the colloquial words are more acceptable as they are much closer to children’s life experiences. To some extent, translation of children’s literature should not only amuse children’s eyes but also ears, for children’s literature are usually told or read by their teachers or parents. Thirdly, those expressions that may cause confusion should be represented in a clear way. For example, some similes or puns used in source children’s literature are not familiar to Chinese children. In this case, it is not necessary to translate them words by words. The source language should be replaced with a familiar target language to Chinese children in order to produce the same effect. Fourthly, both literal and free translation strategies are needed since some figures of speech are difficult to translate. Take pun for an example, generally speaking, in word games the linguistic meaning does not serve the important role, while the stylistic  
effect is the major part. In many cases, there does not exist such a word in Chinese indicating two corresponding meanings the same as a word in English, which has two meanings to make a pun. If translators abandon the form of pun to keep the meaning, even though they add a note, Chinese readers will not possibly understand it completely and the effect of the pun will be totally lost. In order to keep the humorous sense of pun, it is better to use substitution to translate it. That is to say, creating a new pun in Chinese to make up for the original one is quite an acceptable way to render English pun. 結論明確,與研究目標相互呼應。 結論明確,與研究目標相互呼應。 建議具體,與結論相得益彰,為今后實踐提供了值得借鑒的參考。 建議具體,與結論相得益彰,為今后實踐提供了值得借鑒的參考。 語言清楚流暢。 語言清楚流暢。 標題和正文內容和格式符合要求。 標題和正文內容和格式符合要求。   翻譯公司 (責任編輯:世博翻譯公司)
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