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時間:2012-07-04 15:18來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
(五)理清有悖常理的邏輯關系 (移就格transferred epithet) 13. We were at a particularly tipsy table. 14. They walked together down the alley in six inches of powdery snow, the detectiv
(五)理清有悖常理的邏輯關系 (移就格transferred epithet) 13. We were at a particularly tipsy table. 14. They walked together down the alley in six inches of powdery snow, the detective holding Michael’s arm with affectionate firmness. 15. Tom threw on the brake impatiently, and we slid to an abrupt dusty stop under Wilson’s sign. 16. I had never spoken to her, expect for a few casual words, ad yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood.  
17. I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all. 18. Then out into spring fields, where a yellow trolley raced them for a minute with people in it who might once have seen the magic of her face along the casual street. 19. He perceived with the most painful clearness that he could never, never impart to her the terrific secret, that awful truth.  
13. 我們這桌人喝得酩酊大醉。 14. 他們踩著六英寸厚的細細的積雪,沿著小巷走去, 偵探緊緊抓著邁克爾的胳膊,倒像挺親熱似的。 15. 湯姆不耐煩地踩了剎車,車子揚起一陣塵土,突然 在威爾遜的招牌下面停了下來。 16. 除了偶而隨便搭上一兩句話以外,我從未跟她正式 交談過。然而,她的名字宛如戰(zhàn)斗的號角,會使我這 個愚蠢的家伙熱血沸騰。 17. 我開始感到傲視一切,感到蓋茨比和我可以團結一 致,橫眉冷對他們所有的人。 18. 然后駛過春天的田野,一輛黃色電車和他們并排飛 駛了一會兒。電車上說不定有人曾無意間在街頭看見 過她那張迷人的臉龐。 19. 他很清楚因而也很痛苦,他永遠也不能把這可怕的 秘密、可怕的事實告訴她。  
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