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文言文翻譯復(fù)習(xí)方法 指導(dǎo)(5)(17)

時間:2012-07-04 15:06來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
TRANSLATION LEARNING 等。 3. 表示方向: up; down; forward(s); backward(s); sideways; along; across; to the left/right; in front of/ behind; above/ below; inside/outside 等。 例如: 9 ) K
TRANSLATION LEARNING 等。 3. 表示方向: up; down; forward(s); backward(s); sideways; along; across; to the left/right; in front of/ behind; above/ below; inside/outside 等。 例如: 9 ) Kant was fond of talking, but preferred to talk alone, and if interrupted or contradicted was apt to show displeasure; his conversation, however, was so agreeable that none minded if he monopolized it. 譯文 : 1. 康德特別喜歡聊天, 主要是喜歡別人聽自己聊, 不喜歡有人插話或詰問, 否則就會滿臉不 高興。不過, 康德總是聊得大家興趣盎然, 所以聽他一個人聊誰都沒意見。 10 ) As I began to explain my ideas, he asked me to write the equations on the blackboard so he could see how they developed. Then came the staggering—and altogether endearing—request: “Please go slowly. I do not understand things quickly.” This from Einstein! He said it gently, and I laughed. From then on, all vestiges of fear were gone. 11 ) 女人發(fā)號施令的手段很高明 , 用的都是口氣柔和的祁使句. 但不管怎樣, 事無巨細都要男人 效勞總是很不應(yīng)該的. 他對妻子總是百依百順, 我從未聽到他又過什么不耐煩的表示, 而且, 我聽得出來, 他極其恭順而溫 存,仿佛這么奴仆般地被老婆支使的團團轉(zhuǎn)是一種享受似的. 于是我猜測: 他的妻子很漂亮, 因為大 凡漂亮的女人都頗有些自命不凡,總把自己當作個高貴的公主. 12(世博北京翻譯公司))誰能否認海的偉大呢?我愛海,并不僅僅因為他的顏色美麗,和藏在海底那有趣的玩意兒,而 是愛她的胸襟廣闊,化污穢為清潔。 她容納無數(shù)的細流,盡管它們的顏色有黑的也有黃的,一旦流到了海的懷抱,便立刻變成碧綠的了。 碧綠是代表和平,代表一種靜美。一個人,哪怕他的脾氣猶如虎狼那么兇暴,我相信如果長住在海 濱,一定會變得和羔羊一般馴良;同時,那些心懷狹隘的人,如果常與海做朋友,我相信他也會改 變成豪爽,痛快的性格。 13 ) At that moment, I say, the notion of wildness entered my mind, never again to leave it: everything is wild which is autonomous and unpredictable and does not depend upon us. Then all of a sudden there was an explosion; I could no longer see the bird and I thought it had flown away. But my father was leading the way, walking in front of me through the undergrowth. Finally he stooped down, picked up something and put it in my hand. I was aware of something warm and soft and I lowered my eyes: there was the bird in the palm of my hand; its dangling, shattered head crowned with a plume of already-thickening blood. I burst into tears and dropped the corpse on the ground, and that was the end of my shooting experience. 10.3 段際連貫 段際銜接與連貫:前文所講的重復(fù)、替代、省略、連接詞等手段。 譯者:篇章意識;把握全局。例如: 14 ) If misery loves company, so do sports fans. Dr. Leon Mann documented this several years ago when, as a Harvard professor, he studied the long overnight queues for tickets to ball games in his native Australia. “Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere prevails,” he wrote in the American Journal of Sociology. “ The devotees sing, sip warm drinks, play cards, and huddle together.” Like the teams they had come to watch, the fans in line took timeouts. Some worked in shifts, with certain members leaving to take naps or eat meals, while others saved their places in line. Some staked claims in line with items of personal property such as sleeping bags and folding chairs. 19  
TRANSLATION LEARNING “During the early hours of waiting,” Dr. Mann noted, “the queues often consisted of one part people to two parts inanimate objects.” 15 ) 1994 年初的時候, 在 美國總統(tǒng)克林頓曾經(jīng)在國務(wù)會議上遲到, 輿論界大嘩, 對總統(tǒng)進行了 “ 上 綱上線 ”的批評:遲到,說明你缺乏掌握時間的能力,如果你連自己的時間都安排不好,又何談運 籌國家大事?面對尖銳的批語,克林頓不敢遲到了,小心謹慎如約赴會。幾個月后,不曉得什么原 因,他又遲到了,這自然又逃不過記者們的唇槍舌劍,于是 “瞧這家伙,他又遲到了 ” 的文章又 赫然紙上。美國公眾對總統(tǒng)遲到的批語毫不留情,是否對總統(tǒng)太苛求了?總統(tǒng)公務(wù)繁忙,偶爾遲到 一次,何必興師問罪?美國人可不這樣看。 譯文: Early in 1994, President Clinton was once late for a meeting on national affairs. This resulted in fierce criticism by the press. Being late means you lack the ability to manage time, they pointed out; if you can't manage your own time, how can you manage the affairs of state? In the face of this sharp criticism, Mr. Clinton was careful to attend future meetings on time. But a few months later, he was late again. Of course, it did not escape the attack of the press. Articles such as "Look at This Guy - late Again" topped the papers again. Is this sort of relentless criticism of the president's tardiness too tough? Isn't it a little too fussy to complain about the busy president's occasional tardiness? Americans don't think so. America is a society on a schedule. Whether it's a personal appointment or a public conference, the starting time should be exact. Those who are late are often considered lazy and inconsiderate and they lose the trust of others. In personal relationships, a friend may be lost, in business, an opportunity. 第十章 : 辭格與翻譯 一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容: 比喻;轉(zhuǎn)喻;擬人;夸張;諱飾;呼告;反語;排比;設(shè)問;反問;借代。 二、教學(xué)要求: 在處理辭格的翻譯時,學(xué)會針對不同的辭格采用不同的翻譯手段。 三、教具準備: 多媒體課件 四、教學(xué)過程: 在英漢對譯 , 特別是文學(xué)作品的對譯過程中 , 會遇到大量的修辭格。修辭是一種運用十分廣泛的語言手段,其種類豐富,許多修辭手段都是巧妙 地運用本民族語言的特點,形意融為一體,渾然天成,在處理辭格的翻譯時,針對不同的辭格往往 采取不同的方法。下面是常見的修辭格: 比喻( comparison ) 反語 ( irony ) 轉(zhuǎn)喻 ( metonymy ) 排比 ( parallelism ) 擬人( personification ) 設(shè)問 ( question and answer) 夸張 ( hyperbole ) 反問 ( rhetorical question ) 諱飾 ( euphemism ) 借代 ( antonomasia ) 呼告 ( apostrophe 10.1 比喻 比喻可分為明喻( simile )與暗喻( metaphor )兩種。 一、明喻指使用明顯的比喻詞的比喻。英漢語都使用明喻,漢語常見的明喻詞有“像、好像、如” 等;英語中常見的明喻有 as, like, as if, as though 等。 2(世博北京翻譯公司)0   翻譯公司 (責(zé)任編輯:世博翻譯公司)
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