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文言文翻譯復(fù)習(xí)方法 指導(dǎo)(5)(8)

時間:2012-07-04 15:06來源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻譯公司 點擊:
有中國特色的文章的翻譯 8. Carrying out the strategy for western development to accelerate the development of the central and western regions is a major step taken to achieve the strategic g
有中國特色的文章的翻譯 8. Carrying out the strategy for western development to accelerate the development of the central and western regions is a major step taken to achieve the strategic goals of the second stage of the country’s modernization drive. During the tenth Five-year Plan period, we need to place emphasis on key projects for a good beginning of the program. Construction of infrastructure and projection of the ecological environment should take priority, and we should strive for major breakthroughs within five to ten years. At the same time, we hope to develop science, technology and education considerably. We must focus on a number of major projects of strategic significance, such as the 回目錄  
有中國特色的文章的翻譯 transmission of natural gas and electricity from western to eastern regions and the planned Qinghai-Tibet Railway. We need to give priority to protecting, economizing and exploiting water resources through careful planning and rational allocation in order to ensure better utilization of water. We need to steadily proceed with major projects for protecting natural forests in light of local conditions, returning cultivated land to forests or pastures, preventing and controlling desertification, and protecting grassland. 回目錄  
TRANSLATION LEARNING 第三章 翻譯的過程 一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容: 使學(xué)生掌握翻譯的三的步驟:閱讀并分析原文;將原文轉(zhuǎn)換成譯入語;對譯文進(jìn)行修改。 在表達(dá)的過程中,了解譯者需在四個層次上對原文負(fù)責(zé):文本層次( textual level) ;所指層次 (referentiallevel) ;粘著層次(cohesive level)和自然層次(level of naturalness) 。 二、教學(xué)要求: 在表達(dá)的過程中,了解譯者如何需在四個層次上對原文負(fù)責(zé)。 三、教具準(zhǔn)備: 多媒體課件 四、教學(xué)過程: 翻譯的過程可以分為三個步驟: 1. 閱讀并分析原文; 2(世博北京翻譯公司). 將原文轉(zhuǎn)換成譯入語; 3. 對譯文進(jìn)行修改。 3.1 閱讀并分析原文 把握原文的意圖:原文的意圖指原作者對有關(guān)題材或內(nèi)容的立場或態(tài)度。作者可能會慷慨激昂,淋 漓盡致地傾訴自己的立場觀點,也可能采取比較隱晦的手段,在字里行間透出某種微妙的信息。 一、語法結(jié)構(gòu)闡釋原文的意圖。 例如: a. Police Shoot Rioting Blacks b. Rioting Blacks Shot by Police c. Rioting Blacks Shot (一) 形式對意義的表達(dá)在詩歌中的作用。 例如: 辜正坤的譯文: 40-LOVE 四十歲的愛情 Roger McGough Middle aged 中 年 couple playing 夫 婦 ten- nis 打 網(wǎng) when the 球 打 game ends 完 后 and they 回 家 go home 走 球 the net 網(wǎng) 依 will still 舊 把 be be人 分 tween them 左 右 二、語義分析( semantic analysis ) : 即說明處在一定語境中,按照一定次序排列的詞項或句項之間的語義關(guān)系,探索詞項、句項的意義。 “我們所翻譯的不是某些言詞, 而是看不見、 聽不到的東西, 即意義本身。 ”( William Hans of The Theory of Translation ) 首先, 分析詞的概念意義 conceptual meaning ) 和關(guān)聯(lián)意義 associative ( ( meaning ) 例如: seat oneself in a wooden chair accept a university chair chair the board meeting condemned to the chair 其次,把握意義關(guān)系,注意同反義、褒貶義、多歧義關(guān)系。 例如: 1  
TRANSLATION LEARNING George made great progress at school. Let us be great friends He has the reputation of being a blood-sucker. She has made a reputation for herself through hard work. Good fortune lieth within bad, bad fortune lurketh within good. 第三,文化特征、歷史演變、社會發(fā)展、科技進(jìn)步對語言的影響。 例如: “Greek and Latin are all English to me.” said Oscar Wilde. (It is Greek to me.) There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef. 小犬將于下月結(jié)婚 。 第四,了解語言的隨意性和約定俗成性。 例如: 1) milk the cow 2(世博北京翻譯公司)) milk the bull 3) sleeping beauty 4) sleeping spy 5) You said that it is out of question , but it seems to me that it is out of the question. 第五,注意詞語的搭配關(guān)系、邏輯關(guān)系和山下文關(guān)系。 例如: 1) He wrote his 12(世博北京翻譯公司) th novel at the ripe age of 85. 2(世博北京翻譯公司)) 1990 was a bad year for the Soviet economy. It ended with a balance of trade. 3) A “Well, old boy,” said the visitor, “it's nice to see you up and about.” B “Up, yes,” the patient said, “but about, no, at least not much”. 三、語境分析( analysis of the context) 語境包含:語言內(nèi)部的上下文關(guān)系;話語與經(jīng)驗世界的關(guān)系。 (一)上下文分析( contextual analysis/ linguistic context ) : 首先,一個詞與周圍詞的關(guān)系。例如: Today a politician without elbows is as lost as a politician without principles. 其次,短語是否是語義整體。例如: --I don't know what you do with your brass. --I spend it on you, always a good table, you must have. Never anything short. 再次,一個句子是否是一個獨立的語義單位。例如: The face is the index of the mind. Far from eye, far from heart. Mr. Lear is trying to oil the judge's palm. He has stolen a march on me. Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brothers are tails up. (二)語言與經(jīng)驗世界的關(guān)系( non-linguistic context ) 所謂非語言環(huán)境,指話語及其組成部分與文化和自然環(huán)境的相互關(guān)系。例如: Did he receive a warm welcome from the first lady of the house? 首先,話語發(fā)生時環(huán)境。例如: It's freezing cold here. 其次,身體語言( body language ) 。例如: “You think we can”—he glanced at the couple ahead of them--“like them—you and I?” She shook her head. 四、語用分析( pragmatic analysis ) 語用分析即通過對語言的交際意義的綜合分析,了解和確定說話人和話語間的關(guān)系,常常表現(xiàn)為說 2(世博北京翻譯公司)   翻譯公司 (責(zé)任編輯:世博翻譯公司)
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